Remind Me
The Challenge:
Users needs to keep track of their car and home maintenance because repairing something costs more than maintaining something.
The Problem:
The Remind Me App was designed to consolidate information and timing, particularly regarding maintenance tasks, into one application. We have observed that other, similar products do not provide “on-site”, informational resources or allow for a variety of organizational methods (ie. color coded calendars), which causes users to utilize several apps instead of just one.
The Solution:
We created a reminder app to help people get reminders about maintenance that is required for their home, cars, or anything else in their life.
My Role:
UX Designer
MaryCameron Carroll and Madison Lewis
Figma, Miro, and InVision
User Research
We interviewed participants regarding the maintenance that is needed in their everyday lives. This includes anything regarding their household, automobiles, or anything else that they considered needing maintenance. As user researchers we wanted to understand:
What maintenance goes neglected by users.
How often maintenance goes neglected by users.
Do users have the means or know how to do the required maintenance in user's life.
We had some excerpts from the interviews that really captured the idea of the app:
“I normally do it from memory.”
“If you don’t maintain your things your items will lose quality quickly and will cost more in the end.”
“I recently had to spend much more than I would’ve liked for car maintenance that could’ve been prevented if I had kept up with regular car check-ups.”
Affinity Diagram
The information from the interviews was turned into an affinity map to get a better understanding of our users' mentality about maintenance.
Key Takeaways:
Filters are something commonly mentioned as something to keep up with. Can we avoid maintenance by upkeeping filters?
Users with cars have routine maintenance. They want to be reminded of having them done before it costs more to fix an issue.
Users want to be reminded of what items are needed to fulfill maintenance
User Persona and User Insight Statement
With the information sorted, we created a user persona based on our findings. Meet Tamara Smith, a nurse from Houston, TX.
Tamara needs to keep track of her car and home maintenance because repairing something costs more than maintaining something.
Problem Statement
Taking into account the findings from our research we came up with a problem statement:
The Remind Me App was designed to consolidate information and timing, particularly regarding maintenance tasks, into one application. We have observed that other, similar products do not provide “on-site”, informational resources or allow for a variety of organizational methods (ie. color coded calendars), which causes users to utilize several apps instead of just one.
Brainstorming and Ideation
A feature prioritization matrix was created from the brainstorming session. Most of the ideas were categorized as high value with low effort. Standouts that were chosen to be developed were the calendar function and suggested tasks.
User Flow
We created a user flow to begin the design process. The user flow reflects the steps a user would typically go through to change an AC filter in their home. This process was chosen due to the frequency of air filters being brought up during our interviews.
Digital Prototype
Based on the feedback received about the paper prototype and an additional paper prototype developed by Madison, we created a digital clickable prototype.
Final Thoughts
This case study was a very collaborative process. Each member of the team brought a different perspective that really added to both the research and end product. The research yielded some interesting insight and also a strong desire from participants to truly develop an app that meets these needs.
Next Steps
Further user testing is needed and iteration on the design of the app. Feedback was provided that the buttons need to be looked at because they were confusing to users.